Our Stocks

Duroc pigs are one of the best breeds for commercial farming in Nigeria and worldwide. They have temperament, large litter size, and rapid growth that farmers will always benefit from.

Large White
Large-White pig is the one of the breeds of pig the most solicited and exported. This is because of many advantages: an excellent prolificity, an excellent meat quality, and an optimal Global feed conversion ratio (FCR).

The Danish Landrace pig is a medium to large breed of pig, whitish in colour with long bodies, fine hair, long snouts and drooping ears. The Danish Landrace pigs are bred for pork production.

Camborough pigs are a product of a crossbreeding system known as criss-crossing- an alternated use of boars of two or more breeds on the female stock produced in a herd.

F1 TN pigs are one of the best breeds for commercial farming in Nigeria and worldwide. They have temperament, large litter size, and rapid growth that farmers will always benefit from.

The TN70 (popularly called TN in Nigeria) is perfect for the most demanding pig producers that are driven by efficiency and profitability, with balanced breeding and a real farm to fork approach.