Large White pigs were developed to be raised outdoors in classic barnyard settings. They can handle all kinds of climatic conditions, including sudden fluctuations in temperature. Moreover, Large Whites also adapt easily to confinement. This is one major reason why these pigs are often raised on commercial hog farming operations. Large White pigs have long legs and are a bit taller than other pig breeds. Because of this, they are more active and do quite well when given room to roam.
Meat Producing Abilities
The Large White pig is an excellent pig to raise for meat. Mature male (boars) typically weighs around 340kg-385kg while females are around 272kg-318kg. Even though, you’ll likely slaughter your pigs before then – but the ability to grow to such a large size is valuable, nonetheless. These pigs are a favourite market animal, offering high-quality pork chops, hams, and especially bacon. They produce lean meat with excellent flavour.
Excellent Reproductive Qualities
Sows of the Large White breed are known for their excellent reputation. They are wonderful dams and mothers, and their genetics were used in the creation of the classic FI hybrid gilt. Large White pigs are known for having good maternal instincts and large litters. They are also excellent milk producers for their piglets.
Great Pets
If you’re interested in keeping pigs as pets, you shouldn’t have a hard time raising Large Whites. They are friendly and fond of human interaction. They are also social animals who enjoy being with other pigs and livestock.